Professional Development for Early Childhood Teachers
Customized Professional Development
Are you interested in high-quality and engaging professional development delivered on-site for your staff? Want a customized workshop to meet the unique needs of your program? ECE-TRIS credit is available for all sessions.
Popular professional development topics include:
Big Feelings: Strategies to Support Regulation and Calming (new!)
Using Visual Cues to Improve Communication and Guidance (new!)
Family Resources for Infant and Toddler Educators (new!)
Anti-bias Education in Early Childhood Classrooms
Intervention Planning for Intense Child Behaviors (Functional Behavior Assessment)
Positive Relationships for Positive Guidance
Guiding Child Behavior with a Supportive Environment
Intentionally Teaching Social-Emotional Skills
Self-Regulation and Problem-Solving for Preschoolers
Partnering with Families
Project Approach in the Early Childhood Classroom
Making Circle Time Engaging for All
Using Classroom Displays to Support Instruction
Reframing Views on Challenging Behavior (Teacher Self-Regulation)
Considering a parenting class for the families enrolled in your program?
Using Positive Guidance at Home
Tips for Tantrums and Managing Meltdown
Successful Bedtime Routines
Supporting Your Child’s Development…and Having Fun Doing It!
The Power of Play
All prepared workshops can be customized for your program/staff or new sessions can be created just for you.
Consultation for Teachers
Need help for challenging issues that pop up in the classroom? Interested in on-site consultation for teachers? All consultations are scheduled on an as-needed basis and based on specific classroom/program concerns.
Common issues addressed:
Classroom management
Positive behavior supports
Individualizing support for diverse learners
Consultation sessions include:
One-on-one consultation in the classroom
Coaching to address teacher concerns and support new strategies
Follow-up communication to coordinate planning between teachers and administrators